Reveals the wild places of prostitution in Batam at night, we'll find a number of paradoxes which we never imagined possible before. Behind the appearance of a glamorous and as if far from suffering, the world of prostitution, especially sex workers, turned out to save a million suffering. Throughout Wednesday night yesterday, the search POSMETRO in some places of prostitution, both wild and are considered official, to report on the reader, how many things beyond the estimates mostly the general public. Things that may be evocative, that we also share responsibility why they exist.
WTS and place of prostitution should be able to survive to keep produce dollars. Place perfunctory and arguably a bit shabby, the age-old sex worker up to his face and body is not attractive anymore, making prostitution illegal petty as Principal areas Jengkol, Batuaji, has begun to quiet the customer. As can be seen on Wednesday (10/11) morning, dozens of prostitutes with facial cold, without passion man occasionally greet visitors whose numbers could be counted on the fingers. Illustrates that so hard competition in the world of prostitution. There localization quiet and there are crowded in the same time. Which means, there will be prostitutes who will not eat because the customer can not, and there are still able to survive.
At around ten stalls and small shops on the edge of the dim road to Port Sagulung, the number of prostitutes are selling themselves no more than 15 women. In some shops, there seemed no man who stopped. Surrender to the state faces, emanating from the face of a number of women being hung night. A cigarette does not seem stuck in their fingers. No man who came to bring cigarettes to be asked. "Well, if no luck tonight, tomorrow try again. Who knows tomorrow to great fortune, "said a medium-bodied WTS, blue shirt and dark jeans who introduced himself named Evi.
Evi is one of the many prostitutes in the localization of Goods Jengkol are restless because the oppressed competitive world of prostitution in Batam that were increasingly tight and fierce. Wednesday night, he claimed, worked since the maghrib till dawn, not one man "wear it". However, the need for life and that makes people kind keterbatasannyalah Evi survive. Limitations in the ability to find another job, the limitations of body and face are just mediocre, and the severity of competition between prostitutes and the prostitution, remains a reason to stay in every night-night on Main street Jengkol. ''Want a good job as a factory, age is not sufficient anymore. The factory wants a young looking,''said Evi again.
Stone's throw from Main Jengkol, things look differently at the center of Social Rehabilitation Pandan Bay or language bekennya Localisation Sintai. On the official site of the WTS, the conditions spelled out much better. From Main Jengkol POSMETRO across the street intersections are also quiet Basecamp sex workers. Until the middle of last year, at the intersection is still easily found the transvestites who peddle themselves.
Localisation Hill Beralik to smile, there is little pulse of life in the localization of which is located in Batuampar it. From a distance, the localization of Hill's smile seemed to indicate that he was still able to compete with other lokasisasi in Batam. Bustling back and forth male pleasure seeker, can still be seen in Hill's smile. Most of the prostitutes who was much younger and dressed far more interesting than Basic Jengkol WTS.
In terms of places, Smiling Hill is not much different from the Principal Jengkol. The rooms lust transactions made from plywood barriers and board size is 1x2 feet, continued in the region connecting the rocky soil gravels minimal lighting. Wooden chairs under the trees like in the localization of Goods Jengkol also numerous in Hill's smile. Proximity to the nightlife center of Batam and the number of prostitutes who hung a localization is the goal many men philanderer.
From Hill's smile, the area behind the office for Morning Bakery, love match, also a reflection of the severity of competition for survival in the world esek-esek. In this place, prostitutes whose quality is not much different from the WTS Hill Smile and Principal Jengkol that, it looks as though racing each other to attract customers. WTS is hung on the outskirts of this shop looks a little more fortunate fate than on Main WTS Jengkol. Still quite a lot of prostitutes have customers here. "Every night there was," I seoang WTS had just finished serving customers at the end of a shop, a room-sealed bulkhead and rented out to prostitutes to serve her guest. In fact, the matter of tariffs in almost all wild localization is the same. Between 50 to 70 thousand single transaction in a short time.
The fate of "less fortunate" is also experienced in the area of Bukit Samyong WTS. A number of prostitutes in this area rejekinya no different from prostitutes in the Main Jengkol. "Now very few people here already," said Esih, prostitutes who hang out with a friend in a minibar that is no longer deserve the name behind the minibar Samyong.Selain region since been forgotten, Esih with other prostitutes and minibarnya still must compete with a minibar displaying dozens to tens of WTS berparas pretty and fashionable-looking young sera. The spacious with twinkling lights and loud music make it interesting WTS minibar contains dozens of men to spend money with drinking and sex in that place. Moreover, tariffs equal to those offered by other prostitutes who hang out in the region.
Localisation Hill Smile, Principal Jengkol, Samyong Hill, as well as in local streets localization Morning Bakery, is a picture of prostitution petty racing each other to stay alive amid glitter of world-class prostitution snapper in Batam that offers first class service. But, for lower and middle circles of society still exist, even this petty prostitution will continue to color the world of night life in Batam. "Yes, if women like us are not there, banana workers that want to find cheap women where?" Said Evi end the conversation with POSMETRO and headed home. (Source: les / posmetro)