Ria mention in his speech coincided with the first time digelarnya ICT Expo two years ago, the government also launched Batam Digital Island. The goal is to civilize the people of Batam as a user of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
"And the ICT Expo is expected to be used as a barometer of achievement program Batam Digital Island from time to time. One is already visible accomplishments of the program the electronic auction or e-procurement. In the first year of launch of this electronic auction, has conducted the auction with a value of Rp 120 billion with an efficiency of 30 percent, "he said exemplifies.
Going forward, Ria continued, the government will create a forum for the public to submit entries to the government.
"In the future people will be assigned a specific channel to provide feedback to the Government of Batam. Can be via the Internet or SMS, because SMS is acknowledged to be more familiar to everyone over the internet services," called the Prosperous Justice Party politician.
Ria said that in Batam lifestyle community is open to information and technology.
"In Batam that his lifestyle was IT minded. Batam is the most populous internet users as of Sumatra, and one of the busiest in Indonesia. So if developed more, we can achieve better Batam Digital Island again in the future," he said.
But, according to Ria, this can be achieved if society were more ready again to the changes and development of internet technology.
"E-readiness readyness or someone to turn into IT literacy is also very important. And every product that was launched also be socialized to people with more incentive. So the information society as we seek can be realized," hope Batam Mayor candidate 2011 - 2016 which will be paired with Zainal Abidin at the upcoming General Election of January 2011.
Ria According to estimates, the number of technology-literate society Batam is quite good with a percentage more than 60 percent of the total population. But that includes active users of information and communication technology is only about 30 percent.
In addition followed by telecommunication providers, the exhibition was also attended by the Government of Batam with its e-Government and Commercial Agency (BP) Batam. Then a few schools and colleges that have a program application of technology in its curriculum. As with Batam Polytechnic, school Permata Harapan, and Robotics Education Centre.
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