Enthusiastic factory workers to get videos Mukakuning girl who was bathing naked was not simply transfer it from bluetooth to bluetooth, but the workers are in particular the company is desperate Adam came handphone counters available in the area until Batuaji Mukakuning.
But unfortunately, most workers had to be right back with a face full of scowl and disappointed, because the video duration of four minutes three seconds could not be obtained over the counter Mobile "From the busy morning shower naked video search Mukakuning girl, but we are not selling porn videos , "said Alai, one of HP's assistant at the Mall Partners.
The same is expressed by Lusi. Shoulder-length haired woman Hanphone assistant at SP Plaza is also admitted since yesterday evening visited several men who asked for the naked shower video."Long time no sale of pornographic videos via mobile phone, like they used to be afraid raided," he explained.
Enthusiastic Mukakuning factory workers to get a copy of this video is quite large. Not even a citizen who called the editor to request a duplicate Posmetro video was obscene. As previously reported, the scene in the video Mukakuning girl who was in the shower naked is intentionally taken or recorded by a friend.
Video that allegedly recorded with the camera media Mobile's network is widespread through bluetooth from Mobile to Mobile (quoted from a newspaper Posmetro Batam)
Excerpts Video Bugil Mukakuning The Moving in Batam
But unfortunately, most workers had to be right back with a face full of scowl and disappointed, because the video duration of four minutes three seconds could not be obtained over the counter Mobile "From the busy morning shower naked video search Mukakuning girl, but we are not selling porn videos , "said Alai, one of HP's assistant at the Mall Partners.
The same is expressed by Lusi. Shoulder-length haired woman Hanphone assistant at SP Plaza is also admitted since yesterday evening visited several men who asked for the naked shower video."Long time no sale of pornographic videos via mobile phone, like they used to be afraid raided," he explained.
Enthusiastic Mukakuning factory workers to get a copy of this video is quite large. Not even a citizen who called the editor to request a duplicate Posmetro video was obscene. As previously reported, the scene in the video Mukakuning girl who was in the shower naked is intentionally taken or recorded by a friend.
Video that allegedly recorded with the camera media Mobile's network is widespread through bluetooth from Mobile to Mobile (quoted from a newspaper Posmetro Batam)
Excerpts Video Bugil Mukakuning The Moving in Batam
