Each diner or restaurant where it is, if they want to exist and continue to be visited by their customers, must display a variety of innovations, whether it is associated with the menu, service, facility or promo. One thing seems very understandable by Joni AM, operations manager Waroeng cliffs, which are located in the Bantu Ampar. Restaurant which lifted the concept of this traditional cuisine, for now presents a typical traditional cuisine or menu Sunda.
"We chose this concept because a pre-existing concepts have been many and varied. Not that we first present a typical menu of Sunda, but we want to improvise through the menu that we review every two days, so customers are guaranteed not be bored Waroeng tasting dishes in a cliff, "said Joni AM.
In a packed menu of traditional concepts bandaged, Joni with her crew have been preparing various powerful weapons untu solicit customers, ranging from a revamped menu every day, atmosphere and maximum service and satisfaction, facility complete as family restaurants and of course the promo which is expected to make customers come and come again. "Since the beginning of it we've given the freedom by the owners for creating ambience and atmosphere to create a new, and we realized that this was the culinary industry who really need a touch of innovation if it wants to compete in a healthy manner.
To win the competition and attract customers, Waroeng cliff has completed a variety of facilities that are necessary. Such as large parking area, a comfortable atmosphere, and religious facilities, karaoke, hot spots and wide screen for the benefit of meeting or corporate events. "From the side I think this facility is complete and practically equivalent to the existing café and restaurant at the hotel, is provided of course to turn Waroeng cliffs and spoil the customers and communities.
Incomplete or complete it if the facility if all facilities and services has to be maximized while the promos that no one offered by Waroeng Cliff, Joni asserted, of course there was the promo that has been prepared by management for customers and guests who enjoyed lunch or dinner at the Cliff Waroeng . For now Joni said, customers or the general public who enjoy the menu at Waroeng Cliff can take advantage of offers to eat much as you like for only Rp 20,000. "So much for price, we have prepared a variety of menus that can be enjoyed much as you like, this offer is valid until the end of September 2010," said Joni AM.
In terms of price, Waroeng Cliff seemed to understand that their target goals. For one serving Gepuk, which is a typical menu for Sunda in Rp 7500 and the stakes for the ribs soup was pegged at Rp 15,000. "Prices have been through our survey Batam culinary market, other than that there are a variety of juice drinks are relatively affordable by everyone," concluded Joni concluded.
"We chose this concept because a pre-existing concepts have been many and varied. Not that we first present a typical menu of Sunda, but we want to improvise through the menu that we review every two days, so customers are guaranteed not be bored Waroeng tasting dishes in a cliff, "said Joni AM.
In a packed menu of traditional concepts bandaged, Joni with her crew have been preparing various powerful weapons untu solicit customers, ranging from a revamped menu every day, atmosphere and maximum service and satisfaction, facility complete as family restaurants and of course the promo which is expected to make customers come and come again. "Since the beginning of it we've given the freedom by the owners for creating ambience and atmosphere to create a new, and we realized that this was the culinary industry who really need a touch of innovation if it wants to compete in a healthy manner.
To win the competition and attract customers, Waroeng cliff has completed a variety of facilities that are necessary. Such as large parking area, a comfortable atmosphere, and religious facilities, karaoke, hot spots and wide screen for the benefit of meeting or corporate events. "From the side I think this facility is complete and practically equivalent to the existing café and restaurant at the hotel, is provided of course to turn Waroeng cliffs and spoil the customers and communities.
Incomplete or complete it if the facility if all facilities and services has to be maximized while the promos that no one offered by Waroeng Cliff, Joni asserted, of course there was the promo that has been prepared by management for customers and guests who enjoyed lunch or dinner at the Cliff Waroeng . For now Joni said, customers or the general public who enjoy the menu at Waroeng Cliff can take advantage of offers to eat much as you like for only Rp 20,000. "So much for price, we have prepared a variety of menus that can be enjoyed much as you like, this offer is valid until the end of September 2010," said Joni AM.
In terms of price, Waroeng Cliff seemed to understand that their target goals. For one serving Gepuk, which is a typical menu for Sunda in Rp 7500 and the stakes for the ribs soup was pegged at Rp 15,000. "Prices have been through our survey Batam culinary market, other than that there are a variety of juice drinks are relatively affordable by everyone," concluded Joni concluded.
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