Batam has a number of objects found relics of the historical development of the region. Among Tumenggung Abdul Jamal's Tomb is located at latitude Pulaiu headdress, headdress District. To get there, could use a speedboat with the distance 15 minutes from Port Sagulung Batu Aji.

PRINCESS TOMB DAHLIA. Located in Subang Mas Island. Dahlia is the daughter of Princess Royal Daik Linga. Mausoleum is the emergence of a very mysterious girl. Seoarang elders on the island told Subang Mas, come to the surface of the tomb itself began in 1997 which
marked the emergence of gravestones.
Until now, one after the other tombstones are also emerging. In the complex is not only one but dozens of tombs that appear other tombs believed to be the Princess's family and his assistants. Location of the tomb can be reached by speedboat from to build such bridge using four Barelang about 30 minutes or from the port about an hour Punggur
small wells that are water sources which is believed as a place to take fresh water along with Dahlia Princess ship when stranded on the island of Mas Subang

marked the emergence of gravestones.

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