Toko Prana Hobby Craft di UG 49 Kepri Mall.
Attendance Kepri Mall not only brings new shopping atmosphere in Batam, but also presents a number of new tenants-tenants include Hobby Craft Shop Prana in UG 49 Kepri Mall. Newest because these stores sell various crafts in which the buyer directly taught how to make it.
"All this started from avocation and hobby of friends who love crafts. Apparently, these crafts are very popular overseas children to adults, and only found in large shopping centers. After studying and developing with friends friend in Batam, eventually intention to open the gallery the same be done, and the presence in Kepri Mall we can say as the first in Batam, "said Indina Ibrahim, as the manager of Hobby Craft Prana Kepri Mall, Friday (10/15/2010).
Women who are active in the field of Riau Islands Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Riau Islands, this gallery offers a diverse package of handicrafts, which, when engaged turns out to produce more value. As an initial introduction, handicraft products that offer, there is such variety mungin sculpture collection, small bags and all things which, if laid out his own buyer, aakan create satisfaction.
"In essence, we encourage buyers to choose the preferred shape and goods, from one display case, then we get some basic ingredients, and after that please merangkainya. Of course, for those who do not want us to do yourself. It's good, come learn and gentlemen," Indina said again.
Prices of raw material products of this handicraft, very affordable, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. In addition, also provided a variety of latest books how to make crafts be it, handicrafts from Japan to other countries.
"There Scrafbook books, and book collection of origami. We assure you, studying for a while, immediately understandable. The target, we created the beginning and teach, while interested, was developed by mass stay," said Indina again.
Prana also provides a package of courses, including classes scrapped book for 3 days a week and costs start from Rp 100 thousands. Origami class two days a week only Rp 50 thousand. In fact, there are also drawing and knitting classes Rp 60 thousand.
"Especially for the Islands, we also will not make the grade shells handicrafts and many others. Because, there are four people involved then all become their instructor and is Melly, Revelation, Lisna Interested, please come directly to us, during the Mall in the open, 0778 9120205 or information, "said Indina.
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